home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2001-11-08 | 4.3 KB | 165 lines |
- ;***************************************************************
- ;Adobe Installer External Configuration File: Abcpy.ini
- ;***************************************************************
- ;***************************************************************
- ;Main Section
- ;The (Product) key is a required key
- ;***************************************************************
- [MAIN]
- Product=Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 CE
- AbcpyVersion=1.1
- ;***************************************************************
- ;OEM Installation Options
- ;***************************************************************
- [OEM Install]
- SetupTitle=
- SetupCaptionBarTitle=
- DisplayWelcomeDlg=YES
- DisplayEULA=NO
- DisplayTypeOfInstallDlg=NO
- DisplaySelectDestDirDlg=YES
- DisplayCustomDlg=NO
- DisplayUserInfoDlg=NO
- DisplayConfirmRegDlg=NO
- DisplayStartCopyDlg=NO
- DisplayFinishDlg=NO
- DisplayFinalMessage=YES
- DisplayRebootDlg=YES
- DisplayMaintUIDlg=NO
- ProgGroupName=
- DefaultDestDir=
- OverrideDestinationPath=NO
- UserName=
- UserCompanyName=
- UserSerialNumber=
- DisplayBackGround=YES
- DisplayProgressBar=
- ProgressBarStart=
- ProgressBarEnd=
- CloseRunningApps=YES
- InstallModeSilent=NO
- UninstallCombineVersions=YES
- UninstallPreviousVersions=YES
- UninstallModeSilent=NO
- PDFOutputFolder=
- ;***************************************************************
- ;OEM Setup Type - Set "TYPE=Typical", "TYPE=Compact",
- ; "TYPE=Custom" or leave blank.
- ; If used, set "DisplayTypeOfInstallDlg=NO"
- ; in OEM Install section
- ;***************************************************************
- [SetupType]
- ;***************************************************************
- ; OEM Component Selection Installation Options
- ; (To use this section, must set "TYPE=Custom" in SetupType)
- ; (To deselect a component,set"CompXEnabled=NO")
- ;***************************************************************
- [Components]
- ;---Acrobat Reader Files
- Comp1Parent=Acrobat Reader Files
- Comp1=Reader Program Files
- Comp1Enabled=YES
- ;***************************************************************
- ;**** OEM Remove Shortcut
- ;***************************************************************
- [OEM Remove Shortcut]
- Reader=
- ;***************************************************************
- ;**** Comp1 BlindCopy -> "Reader Program Files"
- ;**** Perform Blind copy for this enabled component -
- ;**** "Comp1 BlindCopy" refers to Comp1 above - Blind copy to
- ;**** be performed ONLY if this component is selected for install
- ;**** Max BlindCopy sections = total number of components above
- ;***************************************************************
- [Comp1 BlindCopy]
- NumberOfGroups=1
- Group1Platform=All
- Group1Language=All
- ;--Requirement Objects
- Group1NumberOfRequirements=
- Group1Requirement1=
- Group1RegEditFile=
- ;--File Objects
- Group1NumberOfFiles=
- Group1DestDir=
- Group1Loc=
- Group1FileName1=
- Group1File1ExpandType=
- Group1FileName2=
- Group1File2ExpandType=DateWithSubDir
- ;--Shortcut Objects
- Group1NumberOfIcons=
- Group1Icon1Style=
- Group1Icon1Folder=
- Group1Icon1SubFolder=
- Group1Icon1Exe=
- Group1Icon1ExeSubDir=
- Group1Icon1Description=
- Group1Icon1Number=
- Group1Icon2Style=
- Group1Icon2Folder=
- Group1Icon2SubFolder=
- Group1Icon2Exe=
- Group1Icon2ExeSubDir=
- Group1Icon2Description=
- Group1Icon2Number=
- Group1Icon2App=
- Group1Icon2AppLoc=
- ;--Registry Objects
- Group1NumberOfRegEntries=2
- Group1RegEntry1Platform=ALL
- Group1RegEntry1ParentKey=HKEY_CURRENT_USER
- Group1RegEntry1Key=Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\AdobeViewer
- Group1RegEntry1ValueName=TrustedMode
- Group1RegEntry1ValueType=NUMBER
- Group1RegEntry1ValueData=0
- Group1RegEntry2Platform=ALL
- Group1RegEntry2ParentKey=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- Group1RegEntry2Key=Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\AdobeViewer
- Group1RegEntry2ValueName=TrustedMode
- Group1RegEntry2ValueType=NUMBER
- Group1RegEntry2ValueData=0
- ;--INI Objects
- Group1NumberOfIniEntries=
- Group1IniEntry1Platform=
- Group1IniEntry1FileLoc=
- Group1IniEntry1FileName=
- Group1IniEntry1Section=
- Group1IniEntry1Key=
- Group1IniEntry1Value=
- ;--Launch Objects
- [Launches]
- NumberOfLaunches=
- Launch1Platform=
- Launch1Language=
- Launch1Type=
- Launch1Program=
- Launch1CmdLine=
- Launch1ChangeDir=
- Launch1Wait=